Jason Lowery from the US Space Force joins me for a multi-episode series exploring the first principles of physics, the ubiquity of organic power projection, and how Bitcoin changes the game.
Jason Lowery from the US Space Force joins me for a multi-episode series exploring the first principles of physics, the ubiquity of organic power projection, and how Bitcoin changes the game.
Be sure to check out NYDIG, one of the most important companies in Bitcoin: https://nydig.com/
Jason's Twitter: https://twitter.com/JasonPLowery
Podcast Website: https://whatismoneypodcast.com/
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-what-is-money-show/id1541404400
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/25LPvm8EewBGyfQQ1abIsE?si=wgVuY16XR0io4NLNo0A11A&nd=1
RSS Feed: https://feeds.simplecast.com/MLdpYXYI
00:00:00 “What is Money?” Intro
00:00:08 The Scummy Membranes at the Dawn of Life
00:05:10 The Problem with Trust at Scale
00:10:15 Life as Any Open System that Imports Energy and Exports Entropy
00:14:12 Bubbles of Order within the Maelstrom of Nature
00:18:40 The Defensibility of Property and the Sophistication of Civilization
00:21:49 The Species-Level Evolutionary Advantage of Aging
00:25:52 Sexual Reproduction, Death, and the Intensity of Exchange
00:28:59 Self-Awareness Across Time as the Ultimate Survival Strategy
00:30:46 NYDIG
00:31:54 Genetic Information as a River Flowing Through Time
00:34:53 The Danger of Subduing Human Nature…
00:38:14 The Power Projection Game is Ruthlessly Egalitarian
00:40:51 To Trust Incentives is to Reduce the Need for Interpersonal Trust
00:45:05 Nuclear Armament as a 51% Attack on The Global Power Projection Game
00:47:39 An Intra-Speceil Surrogate to War is Necessary for Individual Sovereignty
00:50:44 Proof-of-Work: A Fair Power Projection Competition over Property
00:54:38 “Human in the Loop” as the Limiting Factor in All Future Warfare
00:59:06 The Nuclear-Hardened History of TCP/IP and Protocol Network Effects
01:05:18 The Dynamic Tension Between Centralization and Decentralization
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Worldclass Bitcoin Financial Services: https://nydig.com/
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